
Updates on Indian Taxation and Coorporate Laws

- by renowned Taxmann author Mr. V. S. Datey

V S Datey B Tech (Hons), FCS, FCMA

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 Mr. V S Datey (age 77 years), B Tech (Hons), FCS, FCMA,  worked initially as foundry engineer during 1965 to 1973 and later as Secretary and General Manager (Finance) in leading listed companies during 1974 to 1993, before deciding to concentrate full time in writing books for professionals and students.

Since 1994, Mr Datey  is concentrating on writing books on topics  relating to indirect taxes and corporate laws. Mr Datey is based in Pune, Maharashtra, India. e-mail –

Mr. V S Datey has written following books for professionals all of which are published by Taxmann, New Delhi.


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